See PEOPLE for links to publications
Dann LM, Paterson JS, Newton K, Oliver R, Mitchell JG (2016) Distributions of virus-like particles and prokaryotes within microenvironments. PLoS One 11(1): e0146984. doi:10.1371/jouornal.pone.0146984.
Paterson JS, Ogden S, Smith RJ, Delpin MW, Mitchell JG, Quinton JS (2016) Surface modification of an organic hessian substrate leads to shifts in bacterial biofilm community composition and abundance. Journal of Biotechnology 219: 90-97.
Leijs R, Bradford T, Mitchell JG, Humphreys WF, Cooper SJB, Goonan P, King RA (2015) The evolution of epigean and stygobitic species of Koonunga Sayce, 1907 (Syncardia: Anaspidacea) in Southern Australia, with the description of three new species. PLoS One 10(8): e0134673. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0134673.
Jervis-Bardy J, Leong LEX, Marri S, Smith RJ, Choo JM, Smith-Vaughan HC, Nosworthy E, Morris PS, O'Leary S, Rogers GB, Marsh RL (2015) Deriving accurate microbiota profiles from human samples with low bacterial content through post-sequencing processing of Illumina MiSeq data. Microbiome 3(1) doi:10.1186/s40168-015-0083-8.
Smith RJ, Paterson JS, Sibley CA, Hutson JL, Mitchell JG (2015) Putative effect of aquifer recharge on the abundance and taxonomic composition of endemic microbial communities. PLoS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0129004.
Rogers PJ, Huveneers C, Page B, Goldsworthy SD, Coyne M, Lowther AD, Mitchell JG, Seuront L (2015) Living on the continental shelf edge: habitat use of juvenile shortfin makos Isurus oxyrinchus in the Great Australian Bight, southern Australia. Fisheries Oceanography 24: 205-218.
Lavery TJ, Roudnew B, Mitchell JG (2015) Nitrogen transport from sea to land by a threatened and declining population of Australian sea lions (Neophoca cinerea) on Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Australian Mammalogy 37: 92-96.
Leterme SC, Allais L, Jendyk J, Hemraj DA, Newton K, Mitchell JG, Shanafield M (2015) Drought conditions and recovery in the Coorong wetland, South Australia in 1997-2013. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 163: 175-184.
- Khodakova, A. S., Smith, R. J., Burgoyne, L., Abarno, D., Linacre, A., (2014) Random whole metagenome sequencing for forensic discrimination of soils, Plos One, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0104996.
- Cooper, S.J.B., Watts, C.H.S., Saint, K.M. and Leijs, R. (2014). Phylogenetic relationships of Australian Scirtidae (Coleoptera) based on mitochondrial and nuclear sequences. Invertebrate Systematics 28: 628–642.
- King, R.A. and Leijs, R. (2014). Molecular evidence for Mid-Pleistocene divergence of populations of three freshwater amphipod species (Talitroidea: Chiltoniidae) on Kangaroo Island, South Australia, with a new spring-associated genus and species. Australian Journal of Zoology 62:137–156.
- Dann LM, Mitchell JG, Speck PG, Newton K, Jeffries T & Paterson J (2014) Virio- and bacterioplankton distributions at the sediment-water interface. PLoS One 9: 1-14 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0102805
Beckmann CL, Mitchell JG, Seuront L, Stone DAJ, Huveneers C (2014) From egg to hatchling: preferential retention of fatty acid biomarkers in young-of-the-year Port Jackson sharks Heterodontus portusjacksoni. The Journal of Fish Biology 85 (3): 944-952 DOI:10.1111/jfb.12451.
Lavery TJ, Roudnew B, Seymour J, Mitchell JG, Smetacek V, Nicol S (2014) Whales sustain fisheries: Blue whales stimulate primary production in the Southern Ocean. Marine Mammal Science 30(3): 888-904.
Beckmann CL, Mitchell JG, Stone DAJ, Huveneers C (2014) Inter-Tissue Differences in Fatty Acid Incorporation as a Result of Dietary Oil Manipulation in Port Jackson Sharks (Heterodontus portusjacksoni) Lipids 49 (6): 577-590, DOI 10.1007/s11745-014-3887-6.
Smith RJ, Jeffries TC, Adetutu EM, Fairweather PG, Mitchell JG (2014) Determining the Metabolic Footprints of Hydrocarbon Degradation Using Multivariate Analysis. PLoS One 8(11):e81910 DOI: 10.1371/ journal.pone.0081910.
Patil SS, Adetutu EM, Rochow J, Mitchell JG, Ball AS (2014) Sustainable remediation: electrochemically assisted microbial dechlorination of tetrachloroethene-contaminated groundwater. Microbial Biotechnology 7 (1):54-63, DOI: 10.1111/1751-7915.12089.
Roudnew B, Lavery TJ, Seymour JR, Jeffries TC, Mitchell JG (2014) Variability in bacteria and virus-like particle abundances during purging of unconfined aquifers. Groundwater 52 (1):118-124.
- Paterson JS, Nayar S, Mitchell JG, Seuront L, 2013. Population-specific shifts in viral and microbial abundance within a cryptic upwelling. Journal of Marine Systems 113-114, 52-61.
- Smith, R. J., Jeffries, T. C., Adetutu, E. M., Fairweather, P. G., Mitchell, J. G., (2013), Determining the metabolic footprints of hydrocarbon degradation using multivariate analysis, PLoS One, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0081910.
- Smith, R. J., Jeffries, T. C., Roudnew, B., Seymour, J. R., Fitch, A. J., Speck, P. G., Newton, K., Brown, M. H., Mitchell, J. G., (2013), Confined aquifers as viral reservoirs, Environmental Microbiology Reports, DOI: 10.0000/1758-2229.12072.
- Adetutu, E. M., Smith, R. J., Weber, J., Aleer, S., Mitchell, J. G., Ball, A. S., Juhasz, A. L., (2013), A polyphasic approach for assessing the suitability of bioremediation for the treatment of hydrocarbon-impacted soil, Science of the Total Environment, 450-451: 51-58.
- Roudnew, B., Lavery, T. J., Seymour, J. R., Smith, R. J., Mitchell, J. G., (2013), Spatially varying complexity of bacterial and virus-like particle communities within an aquifer system, Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 68: 259-266.
- Rehan, S.M., Leys R. and, Schwarz, M.P. (2013). First Evidence for a Massive Extinction Event Affecting Bees Close to the K-T Boundary. Published. 23 Oct 2013, PlosOne 10.1371/journal.pone.0076683
- Vergnon, R., Leijs, R., van Nes, E. and Scheffer, M. (2013). Repeated parallel evolution reveals limiting similarity in subterranean diving beetles. The American Naturalist 182 (1): published electronically 15 May 2013.Sophie C. Leterme, Eloise Prime, Jim Mitchell, Melissa H.
- Brown, Amanda V. Ellis. (2013) Diatom adaptability to environmental change: a case study of two Cocconeis species from high-salinity areas, Diatom Research, 28(1): 29-35
Winn KW, Bourne DG, Mitchell JG (2013) Vibrio coralliilyticus search patterns across an oxygen gradient. PLoS One 8(7): e67975.
Beckmann CL, Mitchell JG, Stone DAJ, Huveneers C (2013) A controlled feeding experiment investigating the effects of a dietary switch on muscle and liver fatty acid profiles in Port Jackson sharks Heterodontus portusjacksoni. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 448:10-18.
Smith R, Roudnew B, Mitchell JG (2013) Confined aquifers as viral reservoirs. Environmental Microbiology Reports 5 (5):725-730.
Mitchell JG, Seuront L, Doubell MJ, Losic D, Voelcker NH, Seymour JR, Lal R (2013) The role of diatom nanostructures in biasing diffusion to improve uptake in a patchy nutrient environment. PLoS One 8(5):e59548.
Beckmann CL, Mitchell JG, Seuront L, Stone DAJ, Huveneers C (2013) Experimental Evaluation of Fatty Acid Profiles as a Technique to Determine Dietary Composition in Benthic Elasmobranchs. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 86 (2): 266-278.
Adetutu EM, Smith RJ, Weber J, Aleer S, Mitchell JG, Ball AS, Juhasz AL (2013) A polyphasic approach for assessing the suitability of bioremediation for the treatment of hydrocarbon-impacted soil. Science of the Total Environment 450:51-58.
Roudnew B, Lavery TJ, Seymour JR, Smith RJ, Mitchell JG (2013) Spatially varying complexity of bacterial and virus-like particle communities within an aquifer system. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 68:259-266.
Rogers PJ, Huveneers C, Goldsworthy SD, Cheung WWL, Jones GK, Mitchell JG, Seuront L (2013) Population metrics and movement of two sympatric carcharhinids: a comparison of the vulnerability of pelagic sharks of the southern Australian gulfs and shelves. Marine and Freshwater Research 64:1-11.
Leterme SC, Prime EA, Mitchell J, Brown MH, Ellis AV (2013) The adaptability of diatoms to environmental changes: a case study on two Cocconeis species from hypersaline areas. Diatom Research 28:29-35. DOI:10.1080/ 0269249 X.2012.734530
Rogers PJ, Huveneers C, Page B, Hamer DJ, Goldsworthy SD, Mitchell JG, Seuront L (2013) Broad-scale movements and pelagic habitat of large juvenile dusky sharks off southern Australia determined using pop-up satellite archival tags. Fisheries Oceanography 22 (2):102-112 doi:10.1111/fog.12009.
- Paterson JS, Nayar S, Mitchell JG, Seuront L, 2012. A local upwelling controls viral and microbial community structure within South Australian continental shelf waters. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 96, 197-208.
- Jeffries, T.C., Seymour, J. R., Newton, K., Smith R. J., Seuront, L., Mitchell, J. G., (2012), Increases in the abundance of microbial genes encoding halotolerance and photosynthesis along a sediment salinity gradient, Biogeosciences, 9: 815-825.
- Roudnew, B., Seymour, J. R., Jeffries, T. C., Lavery, T. J., Smith, R. J., Mitchell, J. G., (2012), Bacterial and viral-like particle abundances in purged and unpurged groundwater depth profiles, Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-6592.2011.01393.x
- Smith, R. J., Jeffries, T. C., Roudnew, B., Fitch, A. J., Seymour, J. R., Delpin, M. W., Newton, K., Brown, M. H., Mitchell, J. G., (2012), Metagenomic comparison of microbial communities inhabiting confined and unconfined aquifer ecosystems, Environmental Microbiology, 14: 240-253.
- Rehan, S.M., Leys R. and, Schwarz, M.P. (2012) A Mid-Cretaceous Origin of Sociality in Xylocopine Bees with Only Two Origins of True Worker Castes Indicates Severe Barriers to Eusociality. PlosOne 7(4): e34690. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0034690
- Leijs, R., van Nes, E.H., Watts, C.H., Cooper, S.J.B., Humphreys, W.F. & Hogendoorn, K. (2012). Evolution of blind beetles in isolated aquifers: a test of alternative modes of speciation. PlosOne 7(3): e34260. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0034260
- van Dongen-Vogels V, Seymour JR, Middleton JF, Mitchell JG, Seuront L (2012) Shifts in picophytoplankton community structure influenced by changing upwelling conditions. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 109:81-90.
- Rogers PJ, Huveneers C, Page B, Hamer DJ, Goldsworthy SD, Mitchell JG, Seuront L (2012) A quantitative comparson of the diets of sympatric pelagic sharks in gulf and shelf ecosystems off southern Australia. ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil 69(8):1382 – 1393.
- Humphreys, W., Tetu, S., Elbourne, L., Gillings, M., Seymour, J., Mitchell, J. and Paulsen, I. (2012) Geochemical and microbial diversity of Bundera Sinkhole, an anchialine system in the eastern Indian Ocean. Natura Croatica 21 (Supplement 1):59-63.
- Lavery TJ, Roudnew B, Seuront L, Mitchell JG, Middleton J (2012) Can whales mix the ocean? Biogeosciences Discuss 9: 8387-8403.
- Seymour JR, Doblin MA, Jeffries TC, Brown MV, Newton K, Ralph PJ, Baird M, Mitchell JG (2012) Contrasting microbial assemblages in adjacent water masses associated with the East Australian Current. Environmental Microbiology Reports 4:548-555.
- Lavery TJ, Roudnew B, Seymour JR, Mitchell JG, Jeffries TC, (2012) High Nutrient Transport and Cycling Potential Revealed in the Microbial Metagenome of Australian Sea Lion (Neophoca cinerea) Faeces. PLoS ONE 7(5):e365478, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036478.
- Roudnew B, Seymour JR, Jeffries TC, Lavery TJ, Smith RJ, Mitchell JG (2012) Bacterial and virus-like particle abundances in purged and unpurged groundwater depth profiles. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation DOI:10.1111/j.1745-6592.2011.0193.x.
- Paterson JS, Nayar S, Mitchell JG, Seuront L (2012) A local upwelling controls viral and microbial community structure in South Australian continental shelf waters. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 96:197-208.
- Smith RJ, Jeffries TC, Roudnew B, Fitch AJ, Seymour JR, Delpin MW, Newton K, Brown M, Mitchell JG (2012) Metagenomic comparison of microbial communities inhabiting confined and unconfined aquifer ecosystems. Environmental Microbiology 14:240-253.
- Jeffries TC, Seymour J, Newton K, Seuront L, Mitchell JG (2012) Shifts in microbial metagenome potential along a sediment salinity gradient. Biogeosciences, 8:7551-7574.
- Jeffries, T.C., Seymour, J. R., Gilbert, J. A., Dinsdale, E. A., Newton, K., Leterme, S. S. C., Roudnew, B., Smith, R. J., Seuront, L., Mitchell, J. M., (2011), Substrate type determines metagenomic profiles from diverse chemical habitats, PLoS One, 6: e25173.
- King, R.A. and Leijs, R. (2011) The Australian freshwater amphipods Austrochiltonia australis and Austrochiltonia subtenuis (Amphipoda: Talitroidea: Chiltoniidae) confirmed and two new cryptic Tasmanian species revealed using a combined molecular and morphological approach. Invertebrate Systematics 2011, 25, 171–196
- Leijs, R., Bloechl, A. and Koenemann, S. (2011). Bogidiella veneris, a new species of subterranean amphipoda (Bogidiellidae) from Australia, with remarks on the systematics and biogeography. Journal of Crustacean Biology 31(3): 566-575. DOI: 10.1651/11-3476.1
- Guzik, M.T., Andrew D. Austin, Steven J. B. Cooper, Mark S. Harvey, William F. Humphreys, Tessa Bradford, Stefan M. Eberhard, Rachael A. King, Remko Leys, Katherine A. Muirhead and Moya Tomlinson (2011). Is the Australian subterranean fauna uniquely diverse? Invertebrate Systematics, 24, 1–12.
- van Dongen-Vogels V, Seymour JR, Middleton JF, Mitchell JG, Seuront L (2011) Influence of local physical events on picophytoplankton spatial and temporal dynamics in South Australian continental shelf waters. Journal of Plankton Research 33:1825-1841.
- Jeffries TC, Seymour JR, Gilbert JA, Dinsdale EA, Newton K, Leterme SC, Roudnew B, Smith RJ, Seuront L. Mitchell JG (2011) Substrate type determines metagenomic profiles from diverse chemical habitats. PloS ONE 6(9): e25173. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone0025173.
- Jeffries TC, Seymour JR, Newton K, Smith RJ, Seuront L, Mitchell JG (2011) Increases in the abundance of microbial genes encoding halotolerance and photosynthesis along a sediment salinity gradient. Biogeosciences Discussions 8 (4): 7551-7574.
- Marcos M, Seymour JR, Luhar M, Durham WM, Mitchell JG, Macke A, Stocker R (2011) Microbial alignment in flow changes ocean light climate. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 108:3860-3864, doi:10.1073/pnas. ERA A* (Excellence for Research in Australia is an Australian Research Council rating system discontinued in early 2011)
- Thompson PG, Davidson AT, van den Enden R, Pearce I, Seuront L, Paterson JS & Williams G, 2010. Distribution and abundance of marine microbes in the Southern Ocean between 30 and 80°E. Deep-Sea Research II 57, 815-827.
- Leys, R., B. Roudnew, C. H.S. Watts (2010). Paroster extraordinarius sp. nov.: a new stygobitic diving beetle from the Flinders Ranges, with notes on other diving beetles from the hyporheic in South Australia (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). Australian Journal of Entomology 49: 66-72.
- Pollet T, Schapira M, Buscot M-J, Leterme SC, Mitchell JG, Seuront L (2010) Prokaryotic aminopeptidase activity along a continuous salinity gradient in a hypersaline coastal lagoon (the Coorong, South Australia). Saline Systems 6:1-6.
- Lavery TL, Roudnew B, Gill P, Seymour J, Seuront L, Johnson G, Mitchell JG, Smetacek V (2010) Iron defecation by sperm whales stimulates carbon export in the Southern Ocean. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 277:3527-3531, doi:10.1098. ERA A*
- Leterme SC, Ellis AV, Mitchell JG, Buscot MJ, Pollet T, Schapira M, Seuront L (2010) Morphological flexibility of Cocconeis Placentula (Bacillariophyceae) nanostructure to changing salinity levels. Journal of Phycology 46:715-719. ERA A
- Seuront L, Leterme SC, Seymour J, Mitchell JG, Ashcroft D, Noble W, Thomson PG, Davidson AT, van den Enden R, Scott FJ, Wright SW, Schapira M, Chapperon C, Cribb N (2010). Role of microbial and phytoplanktonic communities in the control of seawater viscosity off East Antarctica (30-80° E). Deep-Sea Research II 57(9-10): 877-886. ERA B
- Leys, R., B. Roudnew, J.G. Mitchell, W.F. Humphreys (2009). A new method for sampling stygofauna from groundwater fed marshlands. Speleobiology Notes 1: 12-13.
- Humphreys, W.F., Watts, C.H.S., Cooper, S.J.B., Leys, R. (2009). Groundwater estuaries of salt lakes: buried pools of endemic biodiversity on the western plateau, Australia. Hydrobiologia 626: 79–95. doi: 10.1007/s10750-009-9738-4.
Leijs R, Roudnew B, Mitchell J, Humphreys B (2009) A new method for sampling stygofauna from groundwater fed marshlands. Speleobiology Notes 1:12-13.
Kleindorfer SM, Mitchell JG (2009) ‘Biological Networks: Rainforests, Coral Reefs, and the Galapagos Islands’, in PR Kleindorfer, Y Wind and RE Gunther (eds), The Network Strategy: Strategy, Profit, and the Risk in an Interlinked World, Wharton School Publishing, New Jersey, pp 85-99.
Schapira M, Pollet T, Mitchell JG, Seuront L (2009) Respiration rates in marine heterotrophic bacteria relate to the cytometric characteristics of bacterioplankton communities. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 89(6):1161-1169. ERA C
Losic D, Mitchell JG, Voelcker NH (2009) Diatomaceous Lessons in Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials. Advanced Materials (cover) 21(29):2947-2958. IF 7 ERA A*
Lavery TJ, Kemper CM, Sanderson K, Schultz CG, Coyle P, Mitchell JG, Seuront L (2009) Heavy metal toxicity of kidney and bone tissues in South Australian adult bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus). Marine Environmental Research 67:1-7. ERA B
- Watts, C.H.S., Leys, R. (2008). Review of the epigean species of Paroster Sharp, 1882, with descriptions of three new species, and phylogeny based on DNA sequence data of two mitochondrial genes (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae: Hydroporinae). Koleopterologische Rundschau 78: 9-39.
- Leys, R. and Watts, C.H.S. (2008). Systematics and evolution of the Australian subterranean Hydroporine diving beetles (Dytiscidae), with notes on Carabhydrus. Invertebrate Systematics 22:217-225.
- Sanders, KL, Lee MSY, Leys R, Foster R, Keogh JS. (2008) Molecular phylogeny and divergence dates for Australasian elapids and sea snakes (hydrophiinae): evidence from seven genes for rapid evolutionary radiations, J. Evol. Biol. 21: 682-695.
- Watts, C. H. S., Hancock, P. J. and Leys, R. (2008). Paroster peelensis sp. nov.: a new stygobitic water beetle from alluvial gravels in Northern New South Wales’ (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). Australian Journal of Entomology 47: 227-231.
- M Byrne, DK Yeates, L Joseph, J Bowler, S Cooper, SC Donnellan, M Kearney, S Keogh, R Leys, J Melville, D Murphy, N Porch, MA Williams, K-H Wyrwoll. (2008). Birth of a biome: Synthesizing environmental and molecular studies of the assembly and maintenance of the Australian arid zone biota. Molecular Ecology. doi:10.1111/j.1365-294x.2008.03899x
- Leys, R. and Hogendoorn K. (2008) Correlated evolution of mating behaviour and morphology in large carpenter bees (Xylocopa). Apidologie 39: 119-132.
Seymour JR, Seuront L, Doubell M, Mitchell JG. (2008) Mesoscale and microscale spatial variability of bacteria and viruses during a Phaeocystis globosa bloom in the Eastern English Channel. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 80(4):589-597. ERA A
Kesaulya I, Leterme SC, Mitchell JG, Seuront L (2008) The impact of turbulence and phytoplankton dynamics on foam formation, seawater viscosity and chlorophyll concentration in the eastern English Channel. Oceanologia 50: 167-182.
Losic D, Mitchell JG, & Voelcker NH, (2008) Diatom culture media contain extracellular silica nanoparticles which form opalescent films. Proceedings of SPIE, 7267, 726712-1-726712-8.
Kesaulya I, Leterme SC, Mitchell JG, Seuront L (2008) The impact of turbulence and phytoplankton dynamics on foam formation, seawater viscosity and chlorophyll concentration in the eastern English Channel. Oceanologia 50(2): 167-182. ERA B
Patten NL, Harrison PL, Mitchell JG (2008) Prevalence of virus-like particles within a staghorn coral (Acropora muracata) from the Great Barrier Reef. Coral Reefs 27:569-580. DOI 10.1007/s00338-008-0356-9 ERA A
Patten NL, Mitchell JG, Middleboe M, Eyre BD, Seuront L, Harrison PL, Glud RN (2008) Bacterial and viral dynamics during a mass coral spawning period on the Great Barrier Reef. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 50:209-220. ERA B
Seuront L, Mitchell JG (2008) Towards a seascape typology. I. Zipf vs Pareto laws. Journal of Marine Systems 69:310-327. ERA B
Mitchell JG, Yamazaki H, Seuront L, Wolk F, Hua L (2008) Phytoplankton patch patterns: seascape anatomy in a turbulent ocean. Journal of Marine Systems 69:247-253. ERA B
Mitchell JG, Seuront L (2008) Towards a seascape typology. II. Zipf of one-dimensional patterns. Journal of Marine Systems 69:328-338. ERA B
- Adam Stow, David Briscoe, Michael Gillings, Marita Holley, Shannon Smith, Remko Leys, Tish Silberbauer, Christine Turnbull and Andrew Beattie (2007). Antimicrobial defenses increase with sociality in bees. Biology Letters. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2007.0178
- Cooper, S.J.B., Bradbury, J.H., Saint, K.M., Leys, R., Austin, A.D. and Humphreys, W.F. (2007). Subterranean archipelago in the Australian arid zone: mitochondrial DNA phylogeography of amphipods from central Western Australia. Mol. Ecol. 16: 1533-1544.
- Watts, C.H.S., Hancock, P.J. and Leys, R. (2007) A stygobitic Carabhydrus (Dytiscidae, Coleoptera) from the Hunter Valley in New South Wales. Australian Journal of Entomology 46: 56-59.
Tajuddin I, Voelcker NH, Mitchell JG (2007) Silica nanostructure formation from synthetic R5 peptide. Proceedings of SPIE, 6413, 64130Q-1-64130Q-10.
Losic D, Mitchell JG, Lal R, Voelcker NH (2007) Rapid fabrication of micro- and nanoscale patterns by replica molding from diatom biosilica. Advanced Functional Materials 17:2439-2446. IF 7, ERA A*
Seymour JR, Humphreys WF, Mitchell JG (2007) Stratification of the microbial community inhabiting an anchialine sinkhole. Aqautic Microbial Ecology 50:11-24. ERA B
Losic D, Pillar RJ, Dilger T, Mitchell JG, Voelcker NH (2007) Atomic force microscopy (AFM) characterisation of the porous silica nanostructure of two centric diatoms. Journal of Porous Materials 14:61-69. ERA C
Losic D, Short K, Mitchell JG, Lal R, Voelcker NH (2007) AFM nanoindentations of diatom biosilica surfaces. Langmuir 23(9):5014-5021. ERA A*
Seuront L, Lacheze C, Doubell MJ, Seymour JR, Van Dongen-Vogels V, Newton K, Alderkamp AC, Mitchell JG (2007) The influence of Phaeocystis globosa on microscale spatial patterns of chlorophyll a and bulk-phase seawater viscosity. Biogeochemistry 83(1-3):173-188. ERA A
Seymour JR, Seuront L, Mitchell JG (2007) Microscale gradients of planktonic microbial communities above the sediment surface in a mangrove estuary. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 73(3-4):651-666. ERA A
Kamiya E, Izumiyama S, Nishimura M, Mitchell JG, Kogure K (2007) Effects of fixation and storage on flow cytometric analysis of marine bacteria. Journal of Oceanography 63:101-112. ERA B
- McArthur, A.J. and Leys. R. (2006). A morphological and molecular study of some species in the Camponotus maculatus-group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Australia and Africa, with a description of a new Australian species. Myrmecological News 8: 99-110.
- Watts, C.H.S., Leys, R. (2006). Notes on Australian Hyphydrus Illiger, including taxonomy, key to the species and sexual dimorphism (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). Koleopterologische Rundschau 76: 15-21.
Losic D, Triani G, Evans PJ, Atanacio A, Mitchell JG, Voelcker NH (2006) Controlled pore structure modification of diatoms by atomic layer deposition of TiO2. Journal of Materials Chemistry 16:4029-4034. ERA A
Losic D, Mitchell JG, Voelcker NH (2006) Fabrication of gold nanostructures by templating from porous diatom frustules. New Journal of Chemistry 30:908-914. ERA A
Losic D, Rosengarten G, Mitchell JG, Voelcker NH (2006) Pore architecture of diatom frustules: potential nanostructured membranes for molecular and particle separations. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 6:1-8. ERA A*
Seymour JR, Seuront L, Doubell M, Waters RL, Mitchell JG (2006) Microscale patchiness of virioplankton. Journal of the Marine Biology Association of the United Kingdom 86:551-561. ERA C
Doubell MJ, Seuront L, Seymour JR, Patten NL, Mitchell JG (2006) A high resolution fluorometer for mapping microscale phytoplankton distributions. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72:4475-4478. ERA A*
Patten NL, Seymour JR, Mitchell JG (2006) Flow cytometric analysis of virus-like particles and heterotrophic bacteria within coral-associated reef water. Journal of the Marine Biology Association of the United Kingdom 86:563-566. ERA C
Yamazaki H, Mitchell JG, Seuront L, Wolk F, Li H (2006) Phytoplankton microstructure in fully developed oceanic turbulence Geophysical Research Letters 33 (1): L01603, doi:10.1029/2005GL024103. ERA A*
Mitchell JG, Kogure K (2006) Bacterial motility: links to the environment and a driving force for microbial physics. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 55:3-9. ERA B
Seuront L, Vincent D, Mitchell JG (2006) Biologically induced modification of seawater viscosity in the Eastern English Channel during a Phaeocystis sp. spring bloom. Journal of Marine Systems 61:118-133. ERA B
- Eberhard, S., Leys, R., and Adams, Mark. (2005). Conservation of subterranean biodiversity in Western Autralia: using molecular genetics to define spatial and temporal relationships in two species of cave dwelling Amphipoda. Subterranean Biology 3:13-27.
- Leys, R., Steven J. B. Cooper, Ulrike Strecker and Horst Wilkens (2005). Regressive evolution of an eye pigment gene in independently evolved eyeless subterranean diving beetles. Biology letters doi.10.1098/rsbl.2005.0358.
- Bromham, L. and Leys R. 2005. Sociality and the rate of molecular evolution. Molecular Biology and Evolution 22:1393-1402.
- Watts, C. H. S. and Leys R. 2005. Review of the epigean species of Australian Limbodessus Guignot (Insecta: Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia. Vol.129(1):1-13.
- Wallman, J. F., Leys, R. and Hogendoorn, K. 2005. Molecular systematics of Australian carrion-breeding blowflies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) based on mitochondrial DNA. Invertebrate Systematics 19:1-15.
Losic D, Mitchell JG, Voelcker NH (2005) Complex gold nanostructures derived by templating from diatom frustules. Chemical Communications 39:4905-4907. ERA A*
Seymour JR, Patten NL, Bourne DG, Mitchell JG (2005) Spatial Dynamics of Virus-like Particles and Heterotrophic Bacteria within a Shallow Coral Reef System. Marine Ecology Progress Series 288:1-8. ERA A
Seymour JR, Seuront L, Mitchell JG (2005) Microscale and small-scale temporal dynamics of a coastal planktonic microbial community. Marine Ecology Progress Series 300:21-37. ERA A
Losic D, Shapter JG, Mitchell JG, Voelcker NH (2005) Fabrication of gold nanorod arrays by templating from porous alumina. Nanotechnology 16:2275-2281. ERA A*
- Seymour JS, Mitchell JG, Seuront L (2004) Microscale heterogeneity in the activity of coastal bacterioplankton communities. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 35:1-16. ERA B
- Mitchell JG (2004) Rank-size analysis and vertical phytoplankton distribution patterns. In: Handbook of Scaling Methods in Aquatic Ecology: Measurement, Analysis, Simulation (L. Seuront, P.G. Strutton eds) CRC, Boca Raton, pp 257-278.
- Leys, R., Watts, C. H. S., Cooper, S.J.B., and Humphreys, W. F. 2003. Evolution of subterranean diving beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae: Hydroporini, Bidessini) in the arid zone of Australia. Evolution 57: 2819-2834.
Waters RL, Mitchell JG, Seymour J (2003) Geostatistical characterisation of the centimetre-scale spatial structure of in vivo fluorescence. Marine Ecology Progress Series 251:49-58. ERA A
Barbara G, Mitchell JG (2003a) Bacterial tracking of motile algae. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 44:79-87. ERA B
Barbara G, Mitchell JG (2003b) Marine bacterial organisation around point-like sources of amino acids FEMS Microbiology Ecology 43:99-109. ERA B
- Leys, R., Cooper, S. J. B., Schwarz, M.P. 2002. Molecular phylogeny and historical biogeography of the large carpenter bees, genus Xylocopa (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Biol. J. Linnean Soc. 77: 249-266.
- Cooper,S. J. B., Hinze, S., Leys, R., Watts, C. H. S. and Humphreys, W. F. 2002. Islands under the desert: molecular systematics and evolutionary origins of stygobiont water beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) from central Western Australia. Invertebrate Systematics 16:589-598.
Baghurst B, Mitchell JG (2002) Sex Specific Growth and Condition of Pacific Oysters (Crassostrea gigas Thunberg). Aquaculture Research 33(15):1253-1263. ERA B
Mitchell JG (2002) The energetics and scaling of search strategies in bacteria. The American Naturalist 160:727-740. ERA A*
Waters RL, Mitchell JG (2002) The centimetre-scale spatial structure of estuarine in vivo fluorescence profiles. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 237:51-63.
Hale MS, Mitchell JG (2002) Effects of particle size, flow velocity and cell surface microtopography on the motion of submicrometer particles over diatoms. Nano Letters 2:657-663.
- Okubo A, Mitchell JG (2001) Plankton Patchiness. In: Diffusion and Ecological Problems: Mathematical models. (eds: Okubo A. and S. Levin) Springer-Verlag, pp 268-294.
- Hale MS, Mitchell JG (2001) Motion of submicrometer particles dominated by Brownian motion near cell and microfabricated surfaces. Nano Letters 1:617-623.
- Hale MS, Mitchell JG (2001) Functional morphology of diatom microstructures: hydrodynamic control of Brownian particle diffusion and advection. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 24(3):287-295.
- Leys, R., Cooper, S.J.B., Schwarz, M.P. 2000. Molecular phylogeny of the large carpenter bees, genus Xylocopa (Hymenoptera: Apidae) based on mtDNA sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 17: 407-418.
- Leys, R. 2000. Mate locating strategies of the green carpenter bees Xylocopa (Lestis) aeratus, and X.(L.) bombylans. Journal of the Zoological Society, London. 252: 453-462.
- Leys, R. 2000. Evolution of the large carpenter bees (Xylocopa): molecular phylogenies, historical biogeography, mating strategies and sociality. PhD-thesis School of Biological Sciences, Flinders University of South Australia, June 2000.
- Leys, R. 2000. A revision of the Australian carpenter bees, genus Xylocopa Latreille, subgenera Koptortosoma Gribodo and Lestis Lepeletier & Serville. Invertebrate Taxonomy 14(1): 115-136.
Paxinos R, Mitchell JG (2000) A rapid Utermöhl method for estimating algal numbers. Journal of Plankton Research 22:2255-2262.
Dowling NA, Hall SJ, Mitchell JG (2000) Foraging kinetics of barramundi during early stages of development. Journal of Fish Biology 57:337-353.
Seymour J, Mitchell JG, Pearson L, Waters RL (2000) Heterogeneity in bacterioplankton abundance from 4.5 millimeter resolution sampling. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 22:143-153.
- Leys, R., van Apeldoorn, R.C. and Bijlsma, R. 1999. Low genetic differentiation in north-west European populations of locally endangered root vole, Microtus oeconomus. Biol. Cons. 87:39-48.
Mitchell JG, Barbara G (1999) The effect of ionic uncouplers on the speed of marine bacterial communities. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 18:227-233.
Luchsinger R, Bergersen B, Mitchell JG (1999) Bacterial motility in the turbulent ocean. Biophysical Journal 77:2377-2386.
- Hogendoorn, K. and Leys, R. 1998. Life-cycle of Halictus rubicundus Christ (Hymenoptera: Halictidae) in The Netherlands: comparisons of two populations. J. Kansas Ent. Soc. 70(4):347-352.
Blackburn N, Fenchel T, Mitchell JG (1998) Microscale nutrient patches in planktonic habitats shown by chemotactic bacteria. Science 282:2254-2256.
- Strutton PG, Mitchell JG, Parslow JS (1997) Using Non-linear analysis to compare the spatial structure of chlorophyll with passive tracers. Journal of Plankton Research 19:1553-1564.
- Strutton PG, Mitchell JG, Parslow JS, Greene RM (1997) Phytoplankton patchiness: quantifying the biological contribution via fast repetition rate fluorometry. Journal of Plankton Research 19:1265-1274.
- Hale M, Mitchell JG (1997) Bacterial spreading dynamics in the sea-surface microlayer. Marine Ecology Progress Series 147:269-276.
- Strutton PG, Mitchell JG, Parslow J (1996) Nonlinear analysis of chlorophyll transects as a method of quantifying spatial structure. Journal of Plankton Research 18:1717-1726.
- Mitchell JG, Pearson L, Dillon S (1996) Clustering of marine bacteria in seawater enrichments, Applied and Environmental Microbiology 62:3716-3721.
- Barbara G, Mitchell JG (1996) Formation of 30- to 40- micrometer-thick laminations by high-speed marine bacteria in microbial mats. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 62:3985-3990.
- Strutton PG, Bye JAT, Mitchell JG (1996) Determining Coastal Inlet Flushing Times: A Practical Expression for use in Aquaculture and Pollution Management. Aquaculture Research 27:497-504.
- Mitchell JG, Pearson L, Dillon S, Kantalis K (1995) Natural Assemblages of Marine Bacteria Exhibiting High Speed Motility and Large Accelerations, Applied and Environmental Microbiology 61:4436-4440.
- Hale M, Mitchell JG (1995) CLOD spreading in the sea-surface microlayer. Science 270:897.
- Mitchell JG, Pearson L, Bonazinga A, Dillon S, Khouri H, Paxinos R (1995) Long lag times and high velocities in the motility of natural assemblages of marine bacteria. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 61:877-882.
- Hogendoorn, K. and Leys, R. 1993. The superseded female’s dilemma: ultimate and proximate factors that influence guarding behaviour in the carpenter bee Xylocopa pubescens. Beh.Ecol.Sociobiol. 33(3):371-382.
Mitchell JG, Weller R, Beconi M, Sell J, Holland J (1993) A practical optical trap for manipulating and isolating bacteria from complex microbial communities. Microbial Ecology 25:113-119.
- Mitchell JG (1991) The influence of cell size on bacterial motility and energetics Microbial Ecology 22:227-238.
- Mitchell JG, Martinez-Alonso M-R, Lalucat J, Esteve I, Brown S (1991) Velocity changes, long runs and reversals in the Chromatium minus swimming response. Journal of Bacteriology 173:997-1003.
- Mitchell JG, Okubo A, Fuhrman JA (1990) Gyrotaxis as a new mechanism for generating plankton heterogeneity on small scales. Limnology and Oceanography 35:123-130.
- Esteve I, Montesinos E, Mitchell JG (1990) Changes in the ultrastructure of a Chromatium population with depth. Archives of Microbiology 153:316-323.
- Mitchell JG, Okubo A, Fuhrman JA, Cochlan W (1989) The biological contribution to ocean density gradients. Deep-Sea Research 36:1277-1282.
- Mitchell JG, Fuhrman JA (1989) Centimeter scale vertical heterogeneity in bacteria and chlorophyll a. Marine Ecology Progress Series 54:141-148.
- Cosper EM, Dennison WC, Carpenter EJ, Bricelj VM, Colflesh D, Dewey M, Mitchell JG, Kuenstner SH (1987) Recurrent and persistent "Brown Tide" blooms perturb coastal marine ecosystem. Estuaries 10:281-290.
- Légier-Visser M, Mitchell JG, Okubo A and Fuhrman JA (1986) Mechanoreception in calanoid copepods, a mechanism for prey detection. Marine Biology 90:529-536.
- Mitchell JG, Silver MW (1986) Archaeomonad (Chrysophyta) cysts: Ecological and Paleoecological Significance. Biosystems 19:289-298.
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- Okubo A, Andreasen V, Mitchell JG (1984) Chaos-induced turbulent diffusion. Physics Letters 105A:169-173.
- Mitchell JG, Silver MW (1982) Modern archaeomonads indicate sea-ice environments. Nature 296:437-439.
- Silver MW, Mitchell JG, Ringo DL (1980) Siliceous Nanoplankton. II. Newly discovered cysts and abundant choanoflagellates from the Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Marine Biology 58:211-217.